Friday, June 19, 2020

WHAT IS D²/162


We know that D²/162 is being used for calculate unit weight of reinforcement per meter.

Density of steel bar = 7850 kg/m³ = 7850/1000X1000X1000 kg/mm³.
Length of steel bar = 1m =1000mm.
Weight of bar per meter = {Area of steel X Length of steel bar} X Density of steel
                                       = {(𝝅/4 X )X Length of steel bar} X Density of steel
                                       = { 3.14/4 X  D² X 1000} X 7850/1000X1000X1000
                                       =  D² X 0.785 X0.00785
                                       =  D² X 0.00616225
                                       =  D²/ (1/0.00616225)
                                       =  D²/162.27  ≃   D²/162
                                           = D²/162   Proved

NOTE:This formula is only applicable for circular shape steel bar whose density is 7850 kg/.

FORMULA: Weight of steel bar formula = { D²/162 X Length of bar } KG.
                   (Note: Dia is always in mm & Length of bar is in meter)

Example: Find the weight of steel bar of dia 10mm & length of bar 12m.

Sol: Weight of steel = D²/162 X Length of bar 
                                = 10X10/162 X 12
                                = 100/162 X 12
                                = 7.40 Kg.

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